Forthcoming Events

Rome Workshop on Econometrics: Frontiers in Causal Inference

21-22 September 2024
EIEF, Rome

EIEF, Harvard University, Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" are jointly organizing the "Rome Workshop on Econometrics: Frontiers in Causal Inference" that will be hosted by EIEF. Guido W. Imbens (Stanford University) will be the Keynote Speaker. Professor Imbens, along with fellow economists David Card and Joshua Angrist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2021 for his contribution for the development of empirical methods in economics. The organizers are Alessandro Casini (University of Rome "Tor Vergata"), Giuseppe Ragusa (Sapienza University of Rome), Massimo Sbracia (EIEF, Bank of Italy) and Davide Viviano (Harvard University). Program.

Registration by invitation only 

 3rd Macro-Monetary Workshop Bank of Italy - EIEF

23 September 2024
EIEF, Rome

EIEF and the Bank are organizing the third edition of the Macro-Monetary Workshop. The event is part of a series of regular thematic workshops that aim at establishing a platform for the early discussion of research projects among economists at the Bank of Italy and EIEF and incentivizing collaboration on joint research projects. The workshop will consist in 7 presentations of 30 minutes each, divided in 2 sessions. The organizers are Luigi Paciello (EIEF) and Andrea Tiseno (Bank of Italy). Program.

  3rd Bank of Italy - EIEF workshop on Applied Microeconomics

November 19, 2024
EIEF, Rome

Banca d’Italia and EIEF are jointly organizing the third edition of this workshop series on Applied Microeconomics. This year the event will be hosted by EIEF. The workshop aims to foster cooperation and exchange of ideas between researchers working in Applied Microeconomics at the Bank of Italy and the EIEF and it is open to academics affiliated to either institution. The organizers are: Federico Cingano (Bank of Italy), and Andrea Pozzi (EIEF). The program will include presentations of 30' each and floor discussion. Upcoming Program.

EIEF/Bank of Italy/CEPR/EEF/OECD Conference on “Firm-level Production Networks: Implications for Productivity, Global Resilience and the Twin tTansition”

Rome, December 9-10, 2024
Call for Papers

EIEF - Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance, the Bank of Italy, the Centre for Economic Policy Research, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development are pleased to announce a research conference on “Firm-level production networks and their implications for productivity, global resilience and the twin transition”. The meeting aims at bringing together lead economists to discuss the role of production networks in defining the organisation of production, links between firms, the propagation of shocks and industrial policy spillovers, with a particular emphasis on micro-macro linkages (from firm behaviour to aggregate productivity growth, global resilience, the twin transition etc.) and policy implications. Both theoretical and empirical works are welcome. To submit your paper see the Call for Papers.

8th  Rome Junior Conference on Applied Microeconomics

3-4 June 2025
EIEF, Rome

EIEF is organizing the eighth edition of the "Rome Junior Conference on Applied Microeconomics”. The aim is to foster interaction and dissemination of research idea among researchers active in different areas of applied microeconomics. The selection of presenters will give preference to faculty at the early stages of their career. The organizers are: Milena Almagro (Chicago Booth), Oren Danieli (Tel Aviv University), Ingrid Haegele (Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, LMU), Lorenzo Magnolfi (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Matteo Paradisi (EIEF). Upcoming Program.

 9th Rome Junior Finance Conference

5-6 June 2025
EIEF, Rome

EIEF is organizing the ninth edition of the "Rome Junior Finance Conference”. The goal of the conference is to bring together junior researchers active in finance and create an opportunity for informal discussions and other academic-related activities. The organizers are: Adrien Matray (Stanford University), João Monteiro (EIEF), Andrea Polo (LUISS, EIEF), and Luana Zaccaria (EIEF). Upcoming Program.

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